Amsterdam International Community School (AICS)

A.J. Ernststraat 1179 1081 HL Amsterdam

  • Schoolfoto van Amsterdam International Community School (AICS)
  • Schoolfoto van Amsterdam International Community School (AICS)
  • Schoolfoto van Amsterdam International Community School (AICS)
  • Schoolfoto van Amsterdam International Community School (AICS)

Het team

Alle personeelsleden van de school vormen samen het team. Zowel de leerkrachten voor de klas, als het niet onderwijzend personeel. Vaak zijn er op een school specialisten aanwezig die extra ondersteuning bieden aan leerlingen die dit nodig hebben. Elke school kent daarin een eigen aanpak. Hoe het team is samengesteld en hoe de school bijvoorbeeld vervanging regelt? Dat kan alleen de school je vertellen.

Vakleerkrachten op deze school

Er zijn geen vakleerkrachten aanwezig op deze school

Hoe wordt vervanging geregeld?


Directie van de school

Medewerkers op deze school (instellingsniveau)

Hoe is de verdeling mannen en vrouwen?


Wat is de leeftijd van de teamleden?


Hoe zijn de teamleden verdeeld over de verschillende functiegroepen?


Hoe zijn de leerlingen gegroepeerd?

Toelichting van de school

At the AICS we work with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). The principle of the IPC is to focus on a combination of academic, personal and international learning for children worldwide, combined with innovative and exciting ways to learn.  

It is designed to help children:

  • Learn the essential knowledge, skills and understanding of a broad range of curriculum subjects.
  • Engage with their learning so that they remain committed to learning throughout their school careers and their lives.
  • Develop the personal qualities they need to be good citizens and to respond to the changing contexts of their future lives.
  • Develop a sense of their own nationality and culture at the same time as developing a profound respect for the nationalities and cultures of others.


  • Leerstofjaarklassen

Hoe wordt de tijd op school besteed?

Leerjaar 1 en 2

Toelichting van de school

In school year 2018-2019, we spend time on the following programs: Literacy (Dutch/ English), numeracy, science, ICT, Physical and Health Education, Magic Roundabout lessons, art/music/museum trips en nature programs.

On an annual basis, this involved 1133 hours in groups 1-2.

Leerjaar 3 t/m 8


Extra mogelijkheden op deze school

Extra ondersteuning van de leerlingen

Toelichting van de school

The AICS is an inclusive school. We believe deeply in our mission to serve our diverse and globally mobile community to the best of our ability, and accept children with a broad range of learning diversities.

The Student Support System at the AICS aims to give all students maximum support and opportunities to develop in a positive way to their full potential. The child is at the centre of the Student Support System. The Classroom Teacher in Primary School and the Mentor in Secondary School conducts an age-appropriate Pastoral Care programme and is the first contact person for students and parents/guardians. Once a month the Primary Classroom Teachers and Secondary Mentors engage in a meeting called the Student Forum during which we discuss students who have come up as (possibly) needing support. Students requiring additional support will be supported by our Student Support Team, with the cooperation and consent of parents, to determine the specific type of support required.

Please see our School Support Profile for more information.

Welke specialisten ondersteunen op deze school?

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